How to Rate a Cigar?

I’ve been enjoying cigars for quite a while now, and during this time, I’ve developed a certain approach to understanding and rating them. This doesn’t just boil down to “I like this” or “I dislike that”, but rather a nuanced method that involves multiple senses. In this article, I’ll walk you through my personal approach to rate a cigar.

The world of cigars is vast and fascinating. For someone new, it might seem a bit overwhelming, but with a systematic approach and attention to detail, you can appreciate the artistry that goes into every cigar. It’s a little like appreciating a new type of music or understanding the depths of a good book.

Understanding the Importance of Cigar Ratings

Much like how a movie or restaurant review might influence your choice, cigar ratings help potential smokers make an informed decision. Established publications, like ‘Cigar Aficionado’, rate cigars to guide enthusiasts. However, while these ratings provide a general consensus, it’s essential to remember that taste and experience are subjective.

When I pick up a cigar, I don’t just rely on ratings. Instead, I use them as a starting point. My experience could be influenced by a myriad of factors – the environment I’m in, the mood I’m feeling, or even the beverage I’m pairing it with. So, while ratings are helpful, I value my personal experience above all.

Cigar Rating Criteria

Each cigar offers a unique experience. When I rate a cigar, I’m considering various aspects. It’s not just about the taste or aroma; it’s also about the overall feel of the cigar, from its construction to its burn.

Ratings are about more than just numbers or stars. It’s a detailed analysis that helps individuals understand a particular cigar’s strengths and weaknesses. When I decide to rate a cigar, I dive deep into multiple aspects of the experience, ensuring I capture its essence in my evaluation.

The Cigar Tasting Process

One of the most enjoyable aspects of cigar smoking is tasting it. And no, it’s not just about puffing and exhaling. There’s a specific method to it that enhances the experience.

  • Steps to Evaluate a Cigar’s Flavor: Flavor is at the heart of any cigar. When I first draw from a cigar, I let the smoke linger in my mouth, taking the time to identify the different notes present. Sometimes I detect hints of sweetness, at other times a touch of spice, or even earthy undertones. Each puff is a chance to discover something new.
  • Aroma Analysis: Before lighting it, I always make it a point to smell the cigar. This pre-light aroma gives a sneak peek into the flavors that the cigar might release upon being lit. An aroma can be a prelude to the entire smoking experience and sometimes sets the expectation for the flavors to come.
  • Assessing Cigar Construction: A well-constructed cigar is crucial for a pleasant smoking experience. I inspect the cigar to check if it’s tightly rolled without being overly firm. The consistency of the roll ensures an even burn, making the smoking process smooth.

Grading Cigar Appearance

The appearance of a cigar might not directly influence its taste, but it does provide insights into its craftsmanship. I like to examine the cigar’s outer leaf or wrapper. It should ideally be smooth and devoid of any major imperfections. While a few minor veins are acceptable, any cracks or discoloration could indicate issues with storage or quality.

Another thing I consider is the cigar’s shape and size. While this doesn’t impact the quality, it does play a role in the smoking duration and the evolution of flavors. A well-constructed and visually appealing cigar is not just a treat for the palate but also the eyes.

Exploring Taste Characteristics

Every cigar, much like a dish at a restaurant, has its own flavor profile. Identifying these flavors is one of the joys of smoking. When I smoke, I’m on the lookout for a balanced profile where no single flavor overpowers the rest.

It’s interesting to note that a cigar’s flavor can change as you smoke. The initial flavor, often called the ‘first third’, might be mild and creamy. As you progress to the ‘second third’, you might encounter stronger, more robust flavors.

Taste is the heart of a cigar. When I take a puff, it’s not just smoke I’m experiencing, but a symphony of flavors. Sometimes, it’s a gentle melody of sweetness, while at other times, there’s a robust burst of spice or woodiness. Over the years, I’ve learned to slow down and savor these moments, letting the taste linger in my mouth. It helps me understand the nuances and layers that a cigar presents. As you explore different cigars, remember that taste is personal. Two people might find contrasting flavors in the same cigar, and that’s perfectly fine.

Understanding Cigar Strength and Body

Every cigar tells a story through its strength and body. By “strength”, I mean the power or kick it gives, often tied to the nicotine content. Some cigars are light and breezy, while others have a strong presence. The “body”, on the other hand, is about the flavor’s depth. Think of it like soup – some are light broths, while others are rich and hearty stews. I’ve found that a cigar’s strength and body can change the way I feel about it. Some days, I prefer something mild and relaxing, while on others, I might crave something intense.

Evaluating Ash Quality

You might be wondering, “Why bother about ash?” Well, the ash reveals a lot about the cigar’s quality and construction. When I smoke, I observe the ash’s consistency and color. A good cigar usually leaves behind a firm ash, and it doesn’t fall off easily. The color too can vary. While a white or light gray ash often indicates a well-aged tobacco leaf, darker ash might suggest otherwise. But, remember not to judge a cigar solely by its ash. It’s just one of many factors that contribute to the overall experience.

Draw and Burn

How a cigar draws and burns significantly impacts my smoking session. The “draw” refers to how easily I can pull the smoke in. A good cigar should have a smooth draw, neither too tight nor too loose. Over time, I’ve realized that an uneven draw can make the experience less enjoyable. Similarly, the burn should be consistent. If a cigar burns unevenly or keeps going out, it disrupts the session. I always ensure that I’m in a place without too much wind and that I light the cigar evenly to ensure a proper burn.

Cigar Size and Shape Influence

Cigars come in all shapes and sizes, each offering a distinct experience. For instance, a shorter cigar might be perfect for a quick smoke, while a longer one can be ideal for an extended relaxation session. The diameter, known as the “ring gauge”, also plays a part. A cigar with a larger ring gauge can offer more complex flavors, as it contains more types of tobacco leaves. Over the years, I’ve tried various sizes and shapes, and while I have my favorites, it’s always exciting to try something new and see how the size and shape influence the taste.

The Role of Cigar Wrapper Types

The wrapper is the outermost tobacco leaf of the cigar. It’s not just there for looks; it has a significant role in defining the cigar’s character. Some wrappers add a touch of sweetness, while others might be earthy or spicy. There’s a wide variety of wrappers, from the light Connecticut shade to the dark and rich Maduro. Each wrapper type imparts its flavor, and it’s always fascinating to see how it melds with the inner tobacco leaves. When choosing a cigar, I often think about the wrapper type, especially if I’m in the mood for a specific flavor profile.

Choosing a cigar based on its wrapper type is like choosing a dessert based on its topping. You might have a preference, or you might want to mix things up depending on your mood. But always remember to keep an open mind; sometimes, a wrapper you didn’t think you’d enjoy can surprise you.

Cigar Brand Reviews

Over the years, I’ve tried a plethora of cigar brands. Each has its personality, much like the brands we choose in clothing or food. Some brands are known for their consistency, while others might be famous for a particular type of cigar.

Montecristo, for example, has been a favorite of mine. It offers a balanced blend, and every time I smoke one, it feels like catching up with an old friend. On the other hand, brands like Piloto Cigars Inc. give me a hint of the Dominican Republic in every puff – a place where some of the best tobacco leaves are grown.

It’s always a good idea to try out different brands and see which ones resonate with you. Just like in life, it’s essential to experience variety to genuinely appreciate and understand what you enjoy.

Tips for Beginners

When you’re new to the world of cigars, it can feel a bit daunting. There are so many choices, and everyone seems to have advice on what’s best. But here’s the thing: cigars are a personal journey. What works for me might not work for you. Here are a few things I wish someone had told me when I was starting:

  1. Don’t Rush: Cigar smoking is about relaxation. It’s not a race. Take your time, enjoy every puff, and try to identify the flavors you taste.
  2. Visit a Tobacconist: These are the experts. They can guide you, answer your questions, and recommend cigars based on your preferences.
  3. Store Properly: Cigars need specific conditions. They’re not like regular cigarettes. Investing in a good humidor can make a huge difference in preserving the quality of your cigars.

Recording Cigar Tasting Notes

One of the best decisions I made in my cigar journey was keeping a record. I bought a simple Moleskine notebook and started jotting down my thoughts on every cigar I tried. It was like keeping a diary of my experiences.

Over time, this notebook became a valuable reference. I could look back and remember the brands I liked, the flavors I enjoyed, and even the ones I wouldn’t try again. It helped me see patterns in my preferences and made choosing cigars in the future much more straightforward.

Advanced Techniques

While enjoying a cigar in its purest form is a treat, there are ways to enhance this experience. Over the years, I’ve tried a few things that elevated my cigar sessions:

  1. Pairing with Drinks: A good drink can complement a cigar beautifully. While many prefer the classic whiskey or wine, I’ve found that even coffee or tea can be a delightful pairing depending on the cigar’s flavor.
  2. Music & Ambiance: Setting the right mood is crucial. Listening to some light music in the background while enjoying a cigar at a comfortable cigar bar or even my backyard has often been the highlight of my day.
  3. Attend Cigar Events: There are many events and gatherings for cigar enthusiasts. It’s a great way to learn, meet like-minded individuals, and of course, try new cigars.

Frequently Asked Questions About Cigar Rating

What is the purpose of rating a cigar?

Rating a cigar helps individuals understand the quality, flavor profile, and characteristics of a specific cigar. It provides a benchmark for comparing different brands and types of cigars and can be useful for both beginners and seasoned smokers looking to try something new.

How important is the wrapper in determining the rating of a cigar?

The wrapper plays a significant role in the flavor and overall experience of the cigar. It can influence up to 60-70% of the cigar’s flavor. Different wrappers offer different tastes, from sweet and creamy to rich and spicy. Therefore, it’s crucial in determining a cigar’s rating.

How do you ensure objectivity while rating cigars?

Maintaining objectivity while rating cigars can be challenging since it’s a subjective experience. However, using a standardized process, like noting the burn, draw, aroma, flavor profile, and aftertaste consistently for every cigar, can help. Comparing notes with other enthusiasts or referring to established magazines like Cigar Aficionado can provide a broader perspective.

Does the size and shape of a cigar influence its rating?

Yes, the size and shape, often referred to as the vitola, can influence the smoking experience. Some sizes might burn hotter or quicker, affecting the flavors. The shape can also influence the draw. While size and shape are personal preferences, they play a part in the overall experience of the cigar.

How do you identify flavors in a cigar?

Identifying flavors in a cigar requires attention and practice. While smoking, take a moment to taste the smoke in your mouth, similar to tasting wine. Flavors can range from woodsy, spicy, and earthy to sweet, creamy, and fruity. Over time, with experience, you’ll become more adept at recognizing these nuances.

Final Thoughts

In the end, rating and enjoying cigars is a journey of discovery. Each cigar, with its unique blend, wrapper, and brand, tells a story. As you smoke more, you’ll find your favorites, learn more about your preferences, and appreciate the craftsmanship that goes into making each piece. Remember, it’s all about the experience, the flavors, and the memories you create with each puff. Happy smoking!


  • Jasim Ahmed

    I am a passionate content creator, and editor at Rich Smoking, has fostered a deep love for smoking over the years. Since his introduction to the world of Cuban cigars by his beloved grandfather, Jasim has been intrigued by the art of finding relaxation and enjoyment within this rich culture. Always seeking new experiences, his favorite cigar is always the next premium blend he tries, and the same goes for pipes. With a desire to share his knowledge and experiences, Jasim is here to guide and inspire others in their quest to find their next favorite cigar or hookah. Join him as he imparts his expertise, and together, let’s embark on the journey of discovering our next cherished smoke.

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