How to Get Rid of Cigar Breath

Cigar enthusiasts understand the pleasures of a good smoke, but the lingering aftertaste and bad breath? Not so much. So, how can one enjoy the robust flavors of a cigar without the unwanted oral after-effects? Here’s our expert guide on how to get rid of cigar breath, prioritizing health and hygiene.

Hello, fellow cigar aficionados, It’s Jasim Ahmed here. My journey with cigars, rooted in the lessons from my dear grandfather, has brought joy, relaxation, and, unfortunately, the occasional bad breath. Allow me to share how I manage to relish the rich flavors without the pesky after-effects.

What Causes Cigar Mouth?

Smoking a cigar results in the tobacco’s amino acids sticking to your palate and tongue, causing a persistent taste and bad breath. The fermentation of tobacco, combined with the heat during smoking, creates an environment conducive to bacteria growth in the mouth, leading to bad breath.

Prevention is Better Than Cure: A Simple Guide from My Experience

Drink More Water, Especially the Fizzy Kind:

One of the easiest things I do to tackle cigar breath is to drink lots of water. The bubbly or carbonated kind seems to work even better! It helps clear out any tobacco bits left in my mouth. But be careful with sugary drinks like sodas; they don’t really help, and in fact, they might even make it worse.

Eat Before You Smoke:

I always try to eat something before I light up my cigar. From my own experience, food acts like a little shield for my mouth. It lessens the chances of my breath catching that strong tobacco smell. So, next time you think of enjoying a cigar, maybe have your meal first. It’s a simple step, but trust me, it makes a difference.

Getting Rid of Cigar Mouth: Tips from Personal Experience

Tooth Brushing:

Brushing the teeth after every smoke session is essential. It not only ensures good oral hygiene but also effectively diminishes the lingering taste of tobacco. Using a toothpaste that focuses on freshness can help in neutralizing the cigar’s strong flavor.


A mouthwash, especially one with a robust formula like Listerine, can be a game-changer. It helps in neutralizing the tobacco scent and ensures the mouth feels refreshed. Regular gargling can keep any unwanted bacteria at bay, which can contribute to bad breath.

Dental Floss:

Even after brushing and gargling, some stubborn tobacco particles might find refuge between the teeth. Dental floss is perfect for this situation. Regular flossing ensures no remnants of the cigar are left behind, providing a thorough clean.

Gargle with Hydrogen Peroxide:

For those days when the cigar breath feels particularly tenacious, a mild gargle solution made with hydrogen peroxide and water can help. It acts as an antibacterial agent, ensuring the mouth remains free from harmful bacteria, thus reducing bad breath.

Tongue Cleaning:

Often, the majority of the aftertaste resides on the tongue. Using a dedicated tongue cleaner or scraper can make a world of difference. It not only reduces the cigar’s aftertaste but also ensures fewer bacteria thrive on the tongue’s surface. Regular cleaning keeps the mouth feeling and tasting fresher for longer.

Mints, Drinks, and More: 

Gum and Mints:

Immediately after smoking, I often reach for gum or mints. Brands like Altoids and Tic Tac have never failed me. They provide a quick burst of freshness and help mask the tobacco smell, ensuring breath feels minty fresh.

Citrus Magic:

There’s something remarkable about citrus fruits. Be it lemon, lime, or orange; they have a natural ability to fight the strong tobacco aftertaste. Sometimes, even squeezing a bit of lemon or lime into water or onto a salad can make a noticeable difference.

Gin and Tonic:

Not just a favorite drink but also a secret weapon against cigar aftertaste. The carbonation from the tonic water in a gin and tonic acts as a palate cleanser. The bubbling sensation helps wash away lingering flavors while the gin, especially when paired with a splash of lime, revives the mouth, ensuring it’s ready for any conversation or meal that follows.

FAQs: Clearing Up Some Common Queries

How can I ensure my clothes don’t retain the cigar smell?

After a smoking session, it’s essential to air out the clothes. Hanging them outdoors or in a well-ventilated space helps a lot. If that doesn’t do the trick, washing them promptly will. Adding citrus-scented fabric softeners during the rinse cycle can further neutralize any lingering tobacco odor, leaving your clothes smelling fresh.

Why does the cigar smoke smell seem to stick around?

The reason cigars have such a distinct and lasting aroma comes down to their makeup. The fermentation process that the tobacco undergoes, combined with the inherent chemicals in the leaves, results in that signature, robust scent of cigars. This combination gives the aroma its staying power.

What are some ways to ensure my home doesn’t smell of cigar smoke?

First and foremost, good ventilation is key. I always make sure to open windows and doors to let the smoke out and fresh air in. On days when I want an extra layer of freshness, I turn to air purifiers. They help clean out any lingering smoke particles in the air. For an added touch, lighting up scented candles with mild, pleasant fragrances can infuse the space with a refreshing aroma, masking any residual tobacco smell.

In Conclusion:

Navigating the world of cigars is both a joy and a challenge. While we relish the rich flavors and calming rituals, it’s equally essential to address the after-effects, especially the persistent aromas and tastes. By incorporating the simple practices and tips I’ve shared, from oral care to home freshness strategies, you can ensure a more balanced and pleasant post-smoking experience. Remember, the key is consistency and making these routines a regular part of your cigar journey. Enjoy your smokes, and here’s to always leaving a fresh impression!


  • Jasim Ahmed

    I am a passionate content creator, and editor at Rich Smoking, has fostered a deep love for smoking over the years. Since his introduction to the world of Cuban cigars by his beloved grandfather, Jasim has been intrigued by the art of finding relaxation and enjoyment within this rich culture. Always seeking new experiences, his favorite cigar is always the next premium blend he tries, and the same goes for pipes. With a desire to share his knowledge and experiences, Jasim is here to guide and inspire others in their quest to find their next favorite cigar or hookah. Join him as he imparts his expertise, and together, let’s embark on the journey of discovering our next cherished smoke.

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