How to Cure Cigar Sickness?

Cigar smoking is something a lot of folks find relaxing and enjoyable. However, just like with many good things in life, doing too much can have some downsides. One of these downsides is an uncomfortable feeling known as cigar sickness. If you’ve ever felt sick after smoking or are worried about it happening, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll explore what cigar sickness is all about, the signs that tell you you’re experiencing it, and ways to get better and avoid it in the future.

What’s Cigar Sickness?

Have you ever felt unwell after enjoying a cigar? This could be cigar sickness. It happens when you smoke a cigar and take in more nicotine than your body is used to. Nicotine is a substance found in tobacco, and when there’s too much of it in your system, you might start feeling not-so-great.


Hydrating with water and consuming sugar or chocolate can help counteract the nicotine, providing relief from the symptoms. Ginger is also an effective remedy for nausea.

Understanding Cigar Sickness:

Why Does it Happen?

Cigars have something called nicotine, which comes from the tobacco they’re made from. If someone smokes a lot of a cigar or smokes it really fast, they can get too much nicotine. When this happens, it can make them feel bad, and that’s what we call cigar sickness.

What Does it Do to You?

When there’s too much nicotine, it can make a person feel all sorts of ways. It might make their tummy hurt or cause their head to spin. Sometimes it can make their heart beat super fast or give them a headache. That’s why it’s a good idea to understand cigar sickness and how to deal with it.

How Do You Know It’s Happening?

If someone has cigar sickness, they might feel like they’re going to be sick. They could feel dizzy or have a pounding headache. They might even feel a bit scared or jittery.

Will it Last Long?

Mostly, this bad feeling doesn’t last too long. As the body gets rid of the extra nicotine, things start to go back to normal. But knowing how to get better can help speed things up.

How to Deal with Cigar Sickness:

Quick Fixes:

If you’re feeling bad after a cigar, drinking water is a great first step. It can help wash out some of that extra nicotine. Eating something sweet, like a chocolate bar, can also help.

Natural Remedies:

To stop feeling dizzy, try taking slow, deep breaths. If there’s a quiet spot nearby, resting there can also help. And if you feel like you’re going to throw up, ginger (like in a tea or candy) can be really soothing.

How to Avoid Feeling Bad:

Being Smart About Smoking:

To not get sick, try to smoke slowly and take breaks. Also, drinking things like wine or beer while smoking can make it worse. So maybe save the drink for later.

Picking the Right Cigar:

If you’re new to smoking cigars, start with ones that aren’t too strong. They have less nicotine, so there’s less chance of feeling bad. And always try to eat something before smoking. Smoking on an empty stomach can make things worse.

Alleviating Cigar-Induced Vertigo:

Dealing with Dizziness:

Sometimes, after smoking a cigar, a person might feel the world spinning around them. This feeling is called dizziness or vertigo. If this happens, the best thing to do is to find a quiet spot and lie down, preferably in a room with soft lighting. It’s also a good idea to move slowly, as quick movements can make the spinning feel worse.

Getting Back on Your Feet:

Once the worst of the dizziness has passed, it’s important to get the body feeling normal again. A simple way to do this is by doing balance exercises. These can be as easy as standing on one foot for a bit, then switching to the other. These exercises help the body remember how to balance itself properly.

Overcoming Cigar Sickness:

Success Stories:

A lot of people who like smoking cigars have felt sick after doing so. But this doesn’t mean they stopped enjoying cigars. By learning from their experiences and making small changes, they found ways to smoke without feeling bad.

Tips from Those Who Know:

From my own experiences with cigars, I’ve learned a lot over the years. One of the lessons that stand out the most is the importance of having a substantial meal before even thinking about lighting up. This simple step can make a massive difference in how you feel afterward. Another thing I’ve come to understand is the value of selecting milder cigars, especially when you’re still finding your footing in the world of cigar smoking.

It’s not just about the choice of cigar, though; it’s also about the pace. Taking your time, enjoying each puff, and not rushing through the experience can drastically reduce the chances of feeling unwell. It’s these small adjustments and learnings that have enhanced my smoking experiences over time.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does cigar sickness last?

The duration can vary from person to person, but typically, symptoms of cigar sickness can last from a few minutes to several hours. As the body metabolizes the nicotine, the symptoms will diminish.

Can you get sick from just one cigar?

Yes, especially if it’s a potent cigar or if you’re not accustomed to smoking. Beginners and even some experienced smokers can feel sick from smoking a single, strong cigar too quickly.

Is cigar sickness dangerous?

While unpleasant, cigar sickness from smoking a single cigar is usually not harmful in the long run. However, it’s essential to listen to your body. If you ever feel extremely ill or if symptoms don’t go away after several hours, seek medical attention.

Can drinking water help with cigar sickness?

Yes, drinking water can help flush out the nicotine from your system faster and help with dehydration, which might exacerbate the symptoms.

Why do I feel dizzy after smoking a cigar?

Dizziness is a common symptom of nicotine overdose. When you smoke a cigar, especially a potent one, the nicotine can cause a rapid release of adrenaline, which can lead to an increase in blood pressure and heart rate, resulting in dizziness.

Are some cigars less likely to cause sickness?

Yes, milder cigars, which contain less nicotine, are generally less likely to cause sickness than more potent cigars.

Is it a good idea to pair cigars with alcohol?

While many people enjoy pairing cigars with alcoholic beverages, alcohol can enhance the absorption of nicotine, potentially increasing the risk of cigar sickness. If you choose to pair them, it’s crucial to do so in moderation.

How can I prevent cigar sickness?

To prevent cigar sickness, consider smoking slower, taking breaks, choosing milder cigars, and ensuring you’ve eaten beforehand. Listening to your body and stopping when you feel the onset of symptoms can also help.


Smoking a cigar should be something enjoyable, not something that makes you feel bad. By knowing more about cigar sickness and how to prevent it, everyone can have a good time. It’s always important to pay attention to how your body feels and to smoke in a way that feels right for you. Remember, a little care can go a long way in making sure every cigar is a pleasant experience.


  • Jasim Ahmed

    I am a passionate content creator, and editor at Rich Smoking, has fostered a deep love for smoking over the years. Since his introduction to the world of Cuban cigars by his beloved grandfather, Jasim has been intrigued by the art of finding relaxation and enjoyment within this rich culture. Always seeking new experiences, his favorite cigar is always the next premium blend he tries, and the same goes for pipes. With a desire to share his knowledge and experiences, Jasim is here to guide and inspire others in their quest to find their next favorite cigar or hookah. Join him as he imparts his expertise, and together, let’s embark on the journey of discovering our next cherished smoke.

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