How Many Cigars Come in a Box?

Cigars have long been synonymous with sophistication, history, and a blend of art and science. Beyond the flavor, scent, and smoke, there’s the mystery of the box itself. One pressing question for many is, “How many cigars come in a box?” and we are here to uncover that secret.

How Many Cigars Come in a Box?

Cigar boxes come in various sizes and styles, and the number of cigars they contain depends predominantly on two factors: the dimensions of the box and the size of the cigars. A prevalent box type is the “Cabinet selection” which is either slide-lid or hinged and traditionally contains 25 or 50 cigars. Another distinctive style is the “8-9-8” box. As the name suggests, this round-sided box holds cigars in three layers, with counts of 8, 9, and 8 cigars respectively, making a total of 25 cigars. Additionally, flat-top boxes often carry 12 cigars on the lower layer and 13 on the top, resulting in 25 cigars overall. It’s crucial to check box labels or descriptions to ascertain the exact count.

Historical Backdrop: The Evolution of Cigar Boxes

Since the dawn of the cigar trade, the boxing method has seen considerable evolution. Early merchants and craftsmen considered:

  1. Protection: In the early days of the cigar trade, cigar makers and merchants realized the importance of protecting cigars from external damage. To achieve this, they started using wooden and sometimes even metallic containers to house the cigars. These containers were specifically crafted to shield the cigars from factors that could harm their quality, such as moisture, air, or physical damage. By placing cigars inside these boxes, they were better preserved, which helped maintain their flavor and quality over time.
  2. Presentation: Beyond mere protection, cigar boxes were also designed with aesthetics in mind. Cigars were often considered luxury items, and the way they were presented played a crucial role in their marketing. These boxes were not just practical containers; they were also crafted to enhance the visual appeal of the cigars. This could include intricate designs, decorative labels, and other embellishments that make the boxes look elegant and attractive. A beautifully presented cigar box could convey a sense of luxury and exclusivity, which was appealing to consumers.

Historically, these boxes often ranged from 25 to 50 cigars, but this number was never set in stone and varied based on the manufacturer, region, and intended market.

Modern-day Cigar Boxes: A Closer Look

When it comes to cigar boxes today, they come in different sizes based on what people like and want. Here are the three main types:

Standard Boxes (20 to 25 cigars): Just Right

The most common cigar boxes you see in stores hold around 20 to 25 cigars. This amount works well because it looks nice when displayed in shops, and it’s good for people who smoke cigars regularly but don’t need a lot at once.

Cabinet Boxes (Up to 50 cigars): Big and Fancy

Cabinet boxes are for people who really love cigars. They are bigger and often look fancier. You can fit up to 50 cigars inside them. These boxes are for those who collect cigars or smoke them a lot.

Petite Boxes (5 to 10 cigars): Small and Simple

Petite boxes are for people who don’t smoke cigars often or want to try different kinds. They have just 5 to 10 cigars in them. These boxes are great for giving cigars as gifts or for a relaxing weekend with a few smokes.

Dynamics Behind the Count

The Role of Size

The dimensions of a cigar play a pivotal role. For instance, the slender Lanceros might allow for a higher box count, while girthy Churchills might reduce it.

Brand Strategies

Certain luxury brands prioritize exclusivity over quantity. These brands, emphasizing the quality and rarity of their produce, might offer fewer cigars in their boxes.

The Value Proposition: More Than Just Numbers

Cigar smoking is an experience, that transcends mere numbers. Thus, always consider:

  • Quality Over Quantity: An authentic, well-crafted cigar can offer a superior experience compared to multiple subpar ones.
  • Aesthetic and Craftsmanship: The design, detailing, and presentation of the box and its cigars often hint at the quality inside.

Cigar Box Sizes and Counts

Small Boxes (5-10 Count)

Cigar Small Box For 5 to 10 Cigars


Small cigar boxes, accommodating between 5 to 10 cigars, are the ideal pick for those looking to gift a memorable token or for individual enthusiasts who prefer a compact collection. Their portable nature and elegant design make them a favorite choice for on-the-go enjoyment or weekend getaways.

Standard Boxes (20-25 Count)

Standard Size Cigar Box For 20 to 25 Cigars

Standard cigar boxes, often containing 20 to 25 cigars, are widely recognized within the cigar community and remain a staple in tobacco shops globally. These boxes are the go-to for many cigar aficionados, offering a blend of variety without overwhelming quantity. It’s a practical option that suits both novices and seasoned smokers.

Large Boxes (Up to 50 Count)

Large size Cigar Box For 50+ Cigars

For the dedicated cigar collector or those with a more regular smoking habit, the large cigar boxes are a fitting choice. Capable of holding up to 50 cigars, these boxes not only ensure a plentiful supply but also frequently offer the advantage of cost savings on a per-cigar basis. They’re an investment, offering both quantity and often, a touch of luxury.

Bundles vs. Individual Boxes: A Comparison

When it comes to purchasing cigars, there are generally two primary packaging options: bundles and individual boxes. Here’s a closer look at the differences between them:


  • Packaging: These cigars are typically grouped together and wrapped in cellophane.
  • Protection: Bundles don’t provide as much protection against external factors like humidity, temperature, or physical damage as boxes do.
  • Cost: Bundles tend to be more affordable than boxed cigars. This cost-effectiveness makes them attractive to some buyers.
  • Quality: The lack of a solid protective casing might affect the longevity and freshness of the cigars, potentially compromising their taste and overall quality over time.

Individual Boxes:

  • Packaging: Cigars in individual boxes are housed within a sturdy container, often made of wood or metal.
  • Protection: These boxes are designed to offer superior protection against external elements, ensuring the cigars inside remain fresh and intact.
  • Cost: While individual boxes might be more expensive than bundles due to the added protection and presentation value, many argue that the cost is justified.
  • Presentation: Boxed cigars often have an aesthetic appeal, making them suitable for gifting or for collectors who appreciate the added touch of elegance in their collection.

Special Editions and Collectibles

Unique packaging, limited editions, and exclusive brands can change the quantity. Examples include the limited-edition releases by some of the world’s most renowned cigar makers.

Quality over Quantity: The Essence of Cigar Selection

Choosing a box isn’t solely about numbers. It’s also about quality, freshness, and the experience you seek.

Hand-Rolled vs Machine-Made

Hand-rolled cigars are made by skilled people who carefully put together each cigar by hand. They choose special tobacco leaves and mix them to make different flavors. These cigars are usually made in smaller batches, and because they’re handmade, each one can be a little different in taste and look. People who love the art of making cigars like these.

Machine-made cigars, on the other hand, are produced by machines that make lots of cigars in the same way. This means they all look and taste the same, which some people like because it’s consistent. These cigars are easier to find and usually cost less. People who want a reliable, everyday smoke often prefer machine-made cigars.

Historical Aspects of Cigar Storage

Storing cigars has always been an essential aspect of ensuring their longevity and preserving their flavors. The historical journey of cigar storage is a testament to this importance. In the early 19th century, cigars were typically stored in basic wooden crates. While these served as rudimentary storage solutions, they did little to control the moisture levels, which we now know is crucial for cigar preservation.

As the knowledge about the role of humidity in maintaining a cigar’s freshness and flavor deepened, the 20th century witnessed the rise of the humidor box. These specially designed boxes were an advancement from their wooden crate predecessors. Their main function was to maintain a consistent level of humidity inside, preventing cigars from drying out or becoming too moist.

Today, thanks to advancements in technology and design, we have some of the best cigar humidors on the market. These modern solutions are not just functional but also aesthetic masterpieces. Whether they are traditional wooden boxes with intricate designs or state-of-the-art electronic humidification systems, the best cigar humidor options offer cigar aficionados a perfect blend of historical charm and modern functionality.

Price and Cost Considerations for Cigar Boxes

Materials Used:

  • Wooden Boxes: Typically, these boxes command a higher price point. The type of wood used, such as cedar or mahogany, contributes to both the quality and cost of the box. Wooden boxes not only offer a better protective environment for cigars due to their natural humidity control but also bring a certain aesthetic charm, making them a preferred choice for many cigar enthusiasts.
  • Cardboard Boxes: A more budget-friendly option, cardboard boxes are less expensive primarily because of the material’s abundance and lower production costs. However, they may not provide the same level of protection against environmental factors as their wooden counterparts.

Design and Craftsmanship: The intricate designs, especially those found on wooden box lids, can also influence the price. Detailed handcraftsmanship or special branding can add to the cost due to the time, skill, and resources involved.

Buying in Bulk:

  • Cost-Efficiency: If you’re looking to save, purchasing cigars in large quantities or in bundled boxes often reduces the per-cigar cost. This bulk-buying advantage can be especially beneficial for regular smokers or those stocking up for events.
  • Storage: While buying in bulk may be cost-effective, it’s essential to consider storage needs. Large quantities will require adequate space and, importantly, the right environment to maintain the cigars’ quality over time.

How to Select the Right Cigar Box

When it comes to choosing the ideal cigar box, it’s essential to apply a discerning approach based on your specific preferences and requirements.

Based on Preferences

To make the best choice when selecting a cigar box, it’s crucial to consider your personal preferences. This involves understanding your taste in cigars, how often you smoke, and what presentation style you prefer.

Understanding Your Needs

Your intended purpose for the cigars should be a primary factor in your decision. Whether you plan to give them as gifts, collect them, or smoke them daily, this purpose will greatly influence the type of cigar box that suits your needs.

Examining Quality

When evaluating cigar boxes, prioritize those that exhibit superior craftsmanship. Look for boxes equipped with humidity control mechanisms to keep your cigars fresh and protection features to shield them from external factors. Additionally, opting for boxes from reputable brands often ensures a level of quality and authenticity, which can be identified by a specific mark or certification.


Can I store different cigars in the same box?

Yes, you can store different cigars in the same box, but it’s advisable to keep flavored cigars separate. This separation helps prevent the flavors from one cigar from affecting the taste of another, allowing you to enjoy each cigar’s distinct characteristics without any unwanted mixing.

How long can cigars last in a cardboard box?

Cigars stored in a cardboard box typically have a shelf life of a few weeks to a few months, depending on external conditions. The cardboard does not provide the same level of humidity control and protection as more specialized cigar storage solutions like humidors. Therefore, the longevity of your cigars in a cardboard box can vary based on factors such as humidity levels and temperature fluctuations.

Is it worth investing in a wooden box?

Investing in a wooden box, often referred to as a humidor, is worth considering if you prioritize long-term storage and the preservation of cigar quality. Wooden boxes are designed to maintain the ideal humidity and temperature conditions for cigars, ensuring they remain fresh and flavorful over extended periods. If you’re a serious cigar enthusiast or collector, a quality wooden box can be a valuable investment to protect and age your cigars properly.


How Many Cigars in a Box? is a complex question, with answers varying based on type, size, quality, and individual preferences. By understanding these factors, you can enhance your smoking experience and make informed decisions.


  • Jasim Ahmed

    I am a passionate content creator, and editor at Rich Smoking, has fostered a deep love for smoking over the years. Since his introduction to the world of Cuban cigars by his beloved grandfather, Jasim has been intrigued by the art of finding relaxation and enjoyment within this rich culture. Always seeking new experiences, his favorite cigar is always the next premium blend he tries, and the same goes for pipes. With a desire to share his knowledge and experiences, Jasim is here to guide and inspire others in their quest to find their next favorite cigar or hookah. Join him as he imparts his expertise, and together, let’s embark on the journey of discovering our next cherished smoke.

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