Cigar Smoking Etiquette – Elevating Your Experience with Consideration

Smoking a cigar is not just about the act itself but involves a rich and fascinating culture, underpinned by etiquette that connoisseurs and newcomers alike should understand. This guide on cigar smoking etiquette will equip you with the knowledge to fully enjoy and respect the sublime world of cigars.

Respect Smoking Policies

Start by familiarizing yourself with the smoking policies of the establishments you visit. Adherence to these policies is not just about compliance; it’s about respect. Ensuring that you are in designated smoking areas and abiding by any specific rules or guidelines provided by the venue forms the basis of good cigar smoking etiquette. This consideration helps to create an enjoyable environment for everyone.

Be Mindful of Others

The beauty of cigar smoke may not be appreciated by everyone. As cigar enthusiasts, it’s vital to consider those around you when lighting up. Choose areas where your smoke will not impact others and always remember that your freedom to enjoy ends where someone else’s discomfort begins.

Ask Permission

Asking for permission to light up in a non-smoking area or someone’s home is paramount. This action shows respect and consideration for others’ preferences. Be prepared to graciously accept if the answer is no.

Practice Good Hygiene

Cigar smoke can linger on clothing and breath, potentially creating discomfort in social situations. To mitigate this, ensure your breath is fresh and consider changing your clothing or removing smoke-tinged layers before attending social events. This form of respect speaks volumes about your understanding of the broader implications of cigar smoking.

Share the Experience

Cigar smoking is a communal experience, and sharing your knowledge with fellow enthusiasts is a significant part of the culture. Engage in friendly conversation, respect differing opinions, and show openness to learning from others. Remember, the cigar community thrives on shared experiences and knowledge.

Avoid Re-lighting in Public

Generally, it’s considered good etiquette to refrain from re-lighting a cigar once it’s gone out in public spaces. This practice helps limit excessive smoke and odor that might disturb those around you.

Proper Ashing

Proper ashing is an often overlooked but crucial aspect of cigar etiquette. Use an ashtray and avoid discarding ash onto the ground, furniture, or other surfaces. This simple act of respect can greatly enhance the overall smoking experience.

Fragrance Consideration

While it may be tempting to complement your cigar experience with a powerful cologne or perfume, strong fragrances can interfere with the aroma and flavors of the cigar. Be mindful of this fact and allow the cigar to shine by limiting the use of overpowering fragrances.

Cigar Recommendations

Offering and accepting cigar recommendations in social settings is common and adds to the conviviality of the experience. This practice helps broaden your palate and fosters stronger bonds within the cigar community.

Enjoy the Moment

Above all, savor your cigar. Appreciate the craftsmanship, tradition, and the distinct flavors that each puff brings. Respect the environment and those around you as you take time to relax and unwind.


Why is it considered bad to re-light a cigar in public?

Re-lighting a cigar can produce excessive smoke and odor which may bother others around you.

How should I ash my cigar?

It’s best to ash your cigar in an ashtray. Avoid tapping or flicking the ash onto the ground or other surfaces as it can be messy and disrespectful.

Can I wear cologne or perfume while smoking a cigar?

Yes, but be mindful. Strong fragrances can interfere with the aroma and flavors of the cigar.


  • Clay Brandon

    Hello, I'm Clay Brandon, the dedicated founder and CEO at Rich Smoking. My lifelong passion encompasses all aspects of smoking, from cigars and cigarettes to hookahs and vaping. For me, tobacco products represent social bonding and tranquil relaxation. Whether it's an occasional vape or a cherished cigar during special occasions, the right tobacco choice can enrich the experience. As a connoisseur who prioritizes quality experiences, my mission with Rich Smoking is to guide you through the labyrinth of tobacco culture, from picking the perfect product to understanding its storage and enjoyment. Together, we will discover the unique pleasures that each smoking experience can offer.

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