As a passionate cigar lover, I’ve had the pleasure of sampling cigars from all around the globe. However, the allure of Best Nicaraguan Cigars is unparalleled. Nestled in the heart of Central America, Nicaragua boasts a rich history and tradition of producing some of the world’s finest cigars. From the fertile volcanic soils to the skilled artisans, everything about Nicaragua screams perfection when it comes to cigar-making. In this article, we’ll delve into the nuances of the Best Nicaraguan Cigars, exploring their unique flavors, craftsmanship, and what sets them apart in the world of premium cigars.
People often say that cigars from Nicaragua are strong and tasty, made for true cigar lovers. But I think there’s more to the story. Nicaragua has different places where they grow their cigars, so they have a lot of variety.
Just like not all wines from France are the same, and not all BBQ places in Texas serve the same food, Nicaraguan cigars are different too. Nicaragua is a special place with lakes and volcanoes, making their soil really good for growing tobacco. And, they have three main places where they grow different kinds of tobacco.
Best Nicaraguan Cigars
I’ve made a list of the top 10 Nicaraguan cigars for 2023 below. Try some and you’ll see how different and tasty they can be!
Best Premium Nicaraguan Cigar – San Cristobal Quintessence Churchill
Today, I’m talking about the SAN CRISTOBAL QUINTESSENCE CHURCHILL. This cigar is truly something special.
Remember the big list from Cigar Aficionado Magazine? This cigar was the third-best in 2021! That’s a big deal. And guess what? It’s from Nicaragua, one of my favorite places for top-notch cigars.
Here’s what makes it so great:
Flavor Burst: Every puff is a treat. Imagine tasting hints of mocha (that’s a kind of yummy coffee-chocolate mix) and some spicy notes. It wakes up your taste buds in the best way.
Quality All The Way: The outer layer (we call it the ‘wrapper’) of this cigar comes from Ecuador. But what’s inside, the actual tobacco is all from Nicaragua. These are some of the best ingredients you can get!
Made by a Pro: Ever heard of Jose “Pepin” Garcia? He’s like a star chef but for cigars. He made this blend in Estelí, Nicaragua – the heart of great cigars.
The Look and Feel: This cigar is a ‘Churchill’ type. It’s a good, long size (7 inches by 49). It has a natural color and feels smooth.
If you love trying great cigars or want to feel a bit like a movie star, this one’s a must-try. And guess what? You don’t need to break the bank to buy it. I’ve seen some good deals around, especially at Famous Smoke. So, grab one while you can!
Best Infused Nicaraguan Cigar – Acid Subculture Mantra
Moving on to the second cigar on our list: Acid Subculture Mantra. Made by the famous Drew Estate, this cigar stands out. They use special natural oils and plants to flavor the tobacco. The Mantra gets an extra touch, aging for an additional year, which makes its taste richer and more unique.
Now, I know not everyone is a fan of the Acid brand. Some say it smells different, but for me, they’re an absolute treat. Each Acid cigar has its roots in Nicaragua. The inside is all Nicaraguan tobacco. What sets Acid cigars apart is their secret blend of herbs and spices, which adds a distinctive flavor.
The Mantra? It’s a sweet, smooth experience. I can taste hints of spicy clove and warming cinnamon. If you’re thinking about where to buy, be smart about it. Some shops might price them high, but online stores like Famous Smoke often have great deals.
- Unique flavor infusion.
- Aged an extra year for richer taste.
- Medium strength suitable for a wide range of smokers.
- Quality Nicaraguan origin.
- Robusto shape, popular among enthusiasts.
- Potential for great online deals.
- Distinct aroma might not appeal to all.
- Wrapper origin undisclosed.
- Infusion ingredients remain a secret.
Best Flavored Nicaraguan Cigar – M by Macanudo Espresso Belicoso
Next on my list is the M by Macanudo Espresso Belicoso. This cigar has a medium strength and a unique look, called “barber pole,” because it uses two different colored wrappers from Nicaragua – one light and one dark. What catches your attention is its strong coffee flavor, which is like having a sip of bold espresso.
I personally love this cigar. As you smoke it, the flavors change because of the two different wrappers. It’s a great experience feeling the shifts in taste as you go along. It’s just right, not too strong or light, making it a cigar you can enjoy anytime.
Now, let’s talk about its flavor. Yes, the coffee taste is quite bold. But that’s the special part of flavored cigars, right? Underneath that coffee taste, the quality of the Macanudo cigar shines through. And from my experience, Macanudo always delivers quality cigars.
A quick tip: Even though Macanudo prices a box of 20 Espresso Belicoso cigars at $200, you can get them cheaper. Places like Famous Smoke offer them at better prices, sometimes even 15% off. That means you might get each cigar for around $8.27, which is a good deal!
- Unique “barber pole” design.
- Two different Nicaraguan wrappers.
- Strong coffee flavor.
- Medium strength, suitable for many occasions.
- Quality underlying Macanudo cigar.
- Can be found at discounted prices.
- Coffee flavor might be too strong for some.
- Priced higher by Macanudo directly.
- Size might not be preferred by all smokers.
Best Mellow Nicaraguan Cigar – CAO Gold Torpedo
Moving on, the CAO Gold Torpedo deserves a special mention. At first glance, its light-colored wrapper, often labeled as a “blondie”, catches the eye. Such wrappers are not just about the appearance; they often indicate a gentler, mellow taste. And this cigar doesn’t disappoint. The CAO Gold Torpedo encapsulates the essence of Nicaraguan tobacco but presents it in a soft and subdued manner. It’s the ideal choice for those times when you crave the richness of tobacco without the overpowering strength.
Yet, the mellow nature doesn’t mean the cigar lacks depth. On the contrary, each puff reveals layers of subtle flavors, ensuring a satisfying smoking experience. What’s even better is its construction – it’s made to perfection. So, if you’re planning a relaxed evening or perhaps thinking of a cigar for outdoor activities, this one stands out. Also, a little tip: while the retail price might seem a bit steep, there are deals out there. Especially during the holidays, some great discounts pop up, making this high-quality cigar more accessible for everyone.
- Light and mellow.
- Distinct “blondie” appearance.
- Quality Nicaraguan tobacco.
- Suitable for longer sessions.
- Potential for great discounts.
- Might be too mild for some.
- Higher retail price.
- No specific flavor was mentioned.
Best Full-Strength Nicaraguan Cigar – Joya de Nicaragua Antano 1970 Magnum
Building upon our journey into the world of Nicaraguan cigars, next up is the Joya de Nicaragua Antano 1970 Magnum. If you’re looking for a robust, full-bodied experience, this cigar is a top contender. Imagine the richest flavors of Nicaragua, tightly packed into a six-inch size with a bold sixty-ring gauge. The dark natural shade of the Nicaraguan Criollo leaf wrapper perfectly complements its strong flavor profile.
This cigar is for those who truly appreciate intensity in their smoking session. Think of it as a hearty dish that satisfies all your cravings. While it’s intense, it pairs wonderfully with a strong coffee. Brewing a cup of Cuban coffee alongside this cigar might just give you the ideal evening relaxation. As for purchasing, keep your eyes open for discounts. With such a premium cigar, it’s always rewarding to get it at a lesser price than what many retailers offer.
- Full-bodied experience.
- Rich Nicaraguan flavors.
- Large size and ring gauge.
- Pairs well with strong coffee.
- Premium Criollo leaf wrapper.
- Might be too intense for some.
- Higher retail pricing.
- Not flavored.
Best Nicaraguan Cigar to Give as a Gift – My Father Le Bijou 1922 Torpedo
Continuing our exploration of Nicaragua’s finest smokes, let’s discuss the My Father Le Bijou 1922 Torpedo. Earning the esteemed title of “Cigar of the Year” in 2015 by Cigar Aficionado, this cigar boasts an exceptional blend of Nicaraguan long-fillers, enveloped in a rare Pelo de Oro wrapper. It’s not just a cigar; it’s an experience. With flavors like pepper, cream, cocoa, and espresso, the full-bodied profile is a treat for seasoned smokers.
Apart from its luxurious taste, its presentation is just as noteworthy. The modern, stylish white box, with the prominent My Father logo, is simply a sight to behold. Upon opening, you’re greeted by cigars elegantly wrapped with a silk ribbon, showcasing its top-tier craftsmanship. And while it carries a steeper price tag, shopping smartly, like at Famous Smoke, can save you a decent amount. A cigar of this caliber is certainly worth the investment.
- Award-winning quality.
- Rich and full-bodied flavor profile.
- Elegant presentation.
- Rare Pelo de Oro wrapper.
- 100% Nicaraguan craftsmanship.
- Pricey.
- Might be too strong for beginners.
- Limited discounts available.
Best Nicaraguan Cigar for Newbies – Brick House Connecticut Robusto
Moving forward on our journey through the world of Nicaraguan cigars, the spotlight now shines on the Brick House Connecticut Robusto. Produced by the esteemed J.C. Newman cigar company in Nicaragua, it’s an inviting treat especially tailored for those just beginning to explore cigar smoking. Offering a mild-to-medium strength, its primary allure lies in its creamy texture accompanied by a notable sweetness. The blend of exquisite Nicaraguan tobacco combined with the silky Connecticut shade wrapper makes it an ideal candidate for those seeking a smooth daily indulgence.
For those keen on history, Brick House boasts of a legacy tracing back to its Cuban puro days, later transitioning to the vibrant Nicaraguan scene. Its “Double Connecticut” label is a nod to the Connecticut Shade wrapper and Connecticut broadleaf binder it flaunts, introducing a gentler essence for those new to cigars. Though mild at the onset, expect a subtle crescendo of flavors towards the climax, teasing the palate with hints of white pepper, cedar, and spice. Given its quality, the price point is attractive, especially when scouted for deals on platforms like Famous Smoke.
- Ideal for beginners.
- Creamy texture with a sweet undertone.
- Quality Nicaraguan tobacco blend.
- Attractive price (especially with discounts).
- Historical brand with a rich legacy.
- Might be too mild for seasoned smokers.
- Flavor intensifies towards the end (might surprise newcomers).
- Prices vary significantly across retailers.
Best Affordable Nicaraguan Cigar – Oliva Serie V 135th Anniversary Limited Edition
Advancing further in our list, we land on the Oliva Serie V 135th Anniversary Limited Edition, a gem that exemplifies Nicaraguan cigar craftsmanship. Skillfully utilizing the finest tobaccos from Nicaragua, it has been crafted for aficionados who seek harmony in strength and flavor. The cigar boasts Jalapa Valley ligero long-fillers encased in a Nicaraguan binder and swathed in an elegant Habano Sun Grown wrapper. With every drag, it offers a creamy yet robust experience, continually keeping its fiery side in check. Widely acclaimed, the Oliva Serie V is an experience waiting to be unraveled.
Although its cost is reasonably approachable at around $10, the Oliva Serie V sets itself apart from other cigars in terms of construction and aesthetic appeal. Given its full-bodied nature, it might be a bit intense for those who are new to cigar smoking. However, for those aiming to make an impression or enjoy a more potent smoke, this cigar is perfect. Additionally, for the price-savvy consumer, discounts are often available when purchased in bulk, adding to the appeal.
- Exceptional blend of high-quality tobaccos.
- Creamy yet full-flavored.
- Attractive construction and design.
- Available discounts for bulk purchases.
- Might be too strong for beginners.
- Individual stick price might seem high for some.
- Requires careful pairing due to its strong profile.
Best Nicaraguan Sampler – Natural Larutan By Drew Estate Dirt
Continuing our exploration, we come across the Natural Larutan By Drew Estate Dirt. Named “Dirt” after the nutrient-rich soil of Pueblo Nuevo, Nicaragua, this cigar sports a lush Maduro wrapper. With a sweet flavor, this medium-strength cigar perfectly marries the sensations of a ripe, seasoned taste with a gentle hint of spice. Its smaller size and unique flavor profile make it an excellent companion with morning coffee.
Taking inspiration from a friend’s thrifty habit of purchasing samplers, it’s highlighted that Drew Estate offers a sampler packed with variety and affordability. This sampler is particularly suited for those who’d love to explore the Nicaraguan cigar landscape without committing too heavily. Sharing, as they say, is caring, and with two of each variety in this sampler, it’s a smoking journey best taken with a fellow aficionado.
- Distinct sweet flavor with a hint of spice.
- Affordable, especially in sampler packs.
- Perfect size for a quick, satisfying smoke.
- Great for pairing with beverages like coffee.
- Might be too sweet for some palates.
- Smaller size might leave seasoned smokers wanting more.
Best Sweet Nicaraguan Cigar – Diesel Whiskey Row PX Sherry Cask Aged Robusto
Diesel Whiskey Row PX Sherry Cask Aged Robusto brings a different flair to the world of cigars. This Nicaraguan beauty, with its full-bodied strength, is a true standout in the robusto category. Wrapped in a Connecticut Broadleaf, it offers a hint of sweetness that doesn’t overpower the rich cigar taste. The uniqueness of this cigar lies in its versatility; it can be enjoyed by those who love traditional flavors and those who have a penchant for the slightly sweet.
Pairing this cigar with a soft drink, like root beer, enhances the smoking experience, making it a delightful choice for both seasoned enthusiasts and newcomers. But, as always, personal preferences play a big role in cigar enjoyment, so while many find its sweet touch enticing, traditionalists might yearn for something less sweet.
- Versatile flavor profile.
- Affordable.
- Pairs well with soft drinks.
- Might be too sweet for some.
- Not ideal for those seeking pure traditional flavors.
Final Words
In summary, Nicaragua’s rich volcanic soil, ideal climate, and centuries-old traditions have given birth to some of the world’s most acclaimed cigars. From the robust flavors to the meticulous craftsmanship, the top 10 cigars on this list embody the essence of Nicaragua’s cigar heritage.
Whether you’re a seasoned aficionado or new to the cigar world, these Nicaraguan gems offer a journey of taste and refinement that speaks to the heart of cigar culture. As with all fine things, the best way to appreciate their depth and character is to experience them firsthand. So, light up one of these masterpieces, and savor the legacy of Nicaraguan excellence.