Best Flavored Cigars

Hello, dear readers! I’m Jasim Ahmed, a passionate cigar enthusiast with years of experience enjoying the world of cigars. Today, I’m excited to share my insights on the best flavored cigars that have delighted my senses. Whether you’re new to the cigar world or a seasoned aficionado, this guide is crafted to offer you a clear, simple, and straightforward look at some of the top choices. Stick around as we dive deep into the rich flavors, memorable aromas, and unique stories behind each cigar.

List of 07 Best Flavored Cigars

Dive into a world of rich tastes with our top 07 flavored cigars. From sweet to spicy, here’s a curated list for every palate. Discover your next favorite smoke today!

Odyssey Coffee Robusto

Odyssey Coffee Robusto

Whenever I think of a cozy morning or a relaxed evening, a cup of coffee and a flavorful cigar come to mind. That’s the magic of the Odyssey Coffee Robusto. Straight from the heart of Nicaragua, this cigar captures the essence of rich coffee in every puff.

Wrapped in a beautiful Indonesian Maduro leaf, its dark hue matches the intense coffee flavor it promises. The medium strength is just right, ensuring a smooth experience without overpowering. Its Robusto shape, 5 x 50 in size, feels just right in hand, making every smoke session feel special.

For those who, like me, cherish the blend of coffee and traditional tobacco, the Odyssey Coffee Robusto is a revelation. It’s not just a cigar; it’s an experience that takes you through the aromatic lanes of Nicaragua with every drag.

Tatiana Classic Cherry: The Fruity Delight of Cigars

Tatiana Classic Cherry

The joy of a cherry-flavored treat, be it candy or dessert, always takes me back to fond memories. Now imagine that same delightful taste in a cigar. That’s what the Tatiana Classic Cherry offers, and it’s an experience every cigar lover should relish.

Hailing from the Dominican Republic, this cigar is a beauty. The Corona shape, sized at 6 x 44, gives it a commanding presence. But don’t be fooled by its looks. Despite its grand size, it’s a mellow and gentle smoke, making it perfect for both beginners and experienced smokers alike. What makes it truly stand out is the wonderful aroma of ripe cherries. Every time I light one up, the room fills with a mix of sweet cherries and the premium Dominican tobaccos, a scent that is both invigorating and calming.

Wrapped in an Indonesian Sumatra leaf, the cigar balances the cherry flavor beautifully. It doesn’t overpower but perfectly complements the tobacco, offering a harmonious blend that’s hard to resist. Whether you’re settling down for a relaxed evening or looking to enjoy a mid-day break, the Tatiana Classic Cherry is the go-to choice for a fruity escape.

Tabak Especial Belicoso Dulce: A Symphony of Coffee and Sweetness

Tabak Especial Belicoso Dulce

Some cigars take you on a journey, and the Tabak Especial Belicoso Dulce is precisely one of those magical rides. Crafted by the skilled hands at Drew Estate, known for their exquisite creations, this cigar holds a special place in my collection.

When I first laid my eyes on this beauty, the allure of its smooth Connecticut shade-grown wrapper was undeniable. But, as they say, beauty is not just skin deep. Lighting it up, the rich flavors of Nicaraguan Criollo filler leaves greeted me. It felt like being wrapped in a warm blanket on a cold day. The infusion of Nicaraguan estate-grown coffee gives it a unique twist, making the experience even richer. While the cigar boasts a medium-to-full bodied smoke, there’s an undeniable sweetness to it, a delightful dance of coffee and sugar on the palate.

But what truly sets the Tabak Especial Belicoso Dulce apart is the balance. While the sweetness is present, it never feels overpowering, allowing the rich tobacco and coffee aromas to shine through. For moments when you seek relaxation with a hint of indulgence, this cigar is your perfect companion.

Al Capone Jamaican Blaze: A Trip to the Tropics in Every Puff

Al Capone Jamaican Blaze

Imagine closing your eyes and being instantly transported to a sun-soaked beach, the gentle hum of the waves in the background and a glass of rich rum in hand. That’s what every draw of the Al Capone Jamaican Blaze feels like. A delightful escape encapsulated in a cigarillo.

From the first whiff, the aromatic touch of rum is unmistakable, enveloping the senses in a sweet and tropical embrace. The Brazilian Bahia wrapper adds layers of complexity to the flavor profile, giving it a distinct richness. But what caught my attention most was the 100% Honduran tobacco inside. It offers that dash of spice, a hint of character, setting the Jamaican Blaze apart from its peers. In terms of size and shape, its cigarillo stature makes it perfect for those brief moments when you just want a touch of luxury.

What’s most impressive is how Al Capone managed to capture the essence of the tropics in such a compact cigar. Whether you’re reminiscing about a past vacation or dreaming of the next one, the Jamaican Blaze is the ideal companion to whisk you away, if only for a few moments.

Havana Honeys Dominican Del Sol Rum: Savoring the Sunset

Havana Honeys Dominican Del Sol Rum

Ever dreamt of a tropical escape? Let me tell you about the Havana Honeys Dominican Del Sol Rum. One puff, and I felt as though I was lounging by the beach, watching a golden sunset with a glass of smooth rum in hand. This cigar, my friends, is an experience in itself.

It’s handcrafted to perfection. With an Indonesian Sumatra wrapper that’s silky to the touch, it offers a gentle embrace to the senses. And the blend inside? Oh, it’s a masterful composition of perfectly-aged Seco and Olor long fillers, offering a mellow and satisfying smoke with every drag. The rum flavor is like the icing on the cake, subtle but memorable, reminding me of those pleasant evenings by the sea. Sized at 5.5 x 42, its Corona shape is the sweet spot – neither too long nor too short, ideal for both seasoned aficionados and newcomers to the world of cigars.

For those seeking a cigar that’s both flavorsome and refined, the Havana Honeys Dominican Del Sol Rum is a top pick. It’s not just a cigar; it’s a journey to a sun-kissed beach, a gentle reminder of life’s simpler pleasures.

Villiger Mini Vanilla: A Delightful Dash of Elegance

Villiger Mini Vanilla removebg preview 2 1 e1693706846560

In a world abundant with choices, finding the right cigar can sometimes feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. But the Villiger Mini Vanilla has quickly climbed to the top of my list. Hailing from Switzerland, renowned for its commitment to luxury and precision, this cigar does not disappoint.

Now, don’t be misled by its size. Though compact at 3 x 22, every puff from this cigarillo is packed with flavor. The vanilla essence is both aromatic and genuine, casting an enchanting spell that lingers delicately on your palate. The infusion with caramel sweetness creates a harmonious dance between strength and gentleness, producing a mellow taste profile. Its proprietary wrapper, while being an enigma, further adds to the cigar’s distinct appeal, offering a perfect canvas for the vanilla-infused tobacco.

For those who appreciate the finer things in life, the Villiger Mini Vanilla is a treat. Whether you’re a novice to the cigar world or a seasoned enthusiast, its consistent quality and flavor will undoubtedly win you over. Take a moment, light it up, and let this Swiss masterpiece transport you to a realm of tranquility.

CAO Eileen’s Dream Corona: A Symphony of Flavors

CAO Eileen's Dream Corona

Embarking on a flavor journey can be both exhilarating and comforting, and CAO’s Eileen’s Dream Corona is a testament to this truth. This cigar carries the legacy of the Dominican Republic’s finest tobacco craftsmanship, making it not just a smoking experience, but a narrative of tradition and excellence.

From the very first puff, the delicate notes of Irish Cream and white chocolate truffles envelop you, reminiscent of an artisanal confectionery. There’s an undercurrent of hazelnut, almond, and a dash of cocoa, harmoniously layered with hints of vanilla. It’s like delving into a box of gourmet chocolates, each bite revealing a new surprise. Wrapping all these intricate flavors together is the spicy African Cameroon wrapper, adding an extra dimension to the mellow richness inside.

The CAO Eileen’s Dream Corona stands as an emblem of masterful blending. Whether you’re enjoying a quiet evening by the fireside or celebrating life’s milestones, this cigar promises an escape into a world of flavor. So, take a moment, light it up, and let Eileen’s Dream serenade you with its sweet symphony.

How to Choose the Best Flavored Cigars

Flavored cigars are special because they offer a lot of different tastes. Choosing the right one can be both fun and a bit tricky. Let’s look at how you can pick the best one for you.

Understanding Your Palate

Before you buy a cigar, think about the flavors you like in food and drink. This will help you guess which cigar flavors you might enjoy. If you haven’t smoked cigars before, maybe try one with a softer, simpler taste. But if you’ve smoked cigars before, you might want to explore something new or stronger.

Exploring Flavor Profiles

Cigars come in all sorts of flavors. Some taste sweet, kind of like chocolate or vanilla. Others might remind you of fruits, like cherries or oranges. And then there are some that have a taste like certain drinks, like rum or whiskey. It’s fun to try different ones and see which flavors you like best.

The Significance of Size and Shape

The size and shape of a cigar can change how it tastes and how long it lasts. For example, short and thick cigars might be good if you don’t have a lot of time. Long and thin cigars might be better if you want to relax and take your time. So think about when and where you’ll be smoking when you pick a size.

The Impact of the Wrapper

The outside cover of a cigar is important. This is called the wrapper. The wrapper can change the taste a lot. Some wrappers are dark and might taste sweet or rich. Light-colored wrappers might give a softer, creamy taste. Some wrappers even add a spicy kick. So, looking at the wrapper can give you a hint about the flavor.

Thinking About Price

Cigars can be cheap or expensive. But remember, a higher price doesn’t always mean it’s better. You can find really tasty cigars that aren’t too pricey. Decide how much you want to spend and look for the best ones in that price range.

Brands Can Help

Some cigar brands have been around for a long time. People trust them because they make good cigars. But there are also new brands that are doing cool things with flavors. It can help to look at reviews or ask friends about good brands.

Trying Before Buying

If you can, try a few different flavors before buying a lot of one kind. Some shops will let you buy one or two cigars instead of a whole box. This way, you can find out which ones you really like.

When Will You Smoke It?

Think about when you’ll be smoking the cigar. If it’s for a special event, you might want a fancier flavor. If it’s just to relax at home, maybe a simple taste is best.

Drinks and Foods With Cigars

Some cigars taste even better when you have them with certain drinks or foods. For example, a sweet cigar might be great with coffee. Or a spicy cigar could go well with a glass of cold soda. It’s fun to try different mixes and see what you like.


Picking a flavored cigar is about exploring and finding out what you like. There’s no right or wrong answer. It’s all about what tastes good to you. Enjoy the journey of trying different ones and finding your favorites!

FAQs Related to Best Flavored Cigars

What are flavored cigars?

Flavored cigars are cigars that have had their taste enhanced or altered with the introduction of different flavors. These flavors can range from sweet and fruity, such as cherry or vanilla, to more exotic blends like coffee or chocolate. The flavoring process can involve infusing the cigar wrapper or filler with natural oils, extracts, or herbs to achieve the desired taste.

Are flavored cigars suitable for beginners?

Yes, flavored cigars are often recommended for beginners because they offer a milder and more accessible experience than traditional cigars. The added flavors can make the smoking experience more enjoyable for those not yet accustomed to the natural tobacco taste. However, experienced smokers also enjoy flavored cigars for a change of pace or to pair with specific beverages.

How do I store flavored cigars?

Flavored cigars should be stored similarly to traditional cigars – in a humidor to maintain proper humidity. However, it’s advisable to keep flavored cigars separate from non-flavored ones to prevent the transfer of flavors. Using a separate humidor or a divider within a larger humidor can help maintain the integrity of each cigar’s unique flavor.

Do flavored cigars cost more than regular cigars?

Not necessarily. The price of a flavored cigar depends on factors like brand, quality of tobacco, production process, and the rarity of the flavor. Some flavored cigars might be more affordable than traditional ones, while premium flavored options can be pricier. It’s essential to focus on the cigar’s quality and your taste preference rather than price alone.

Are flavored cigars considered “real” cigars by aficionados?

The cigar community has varied opinions on flavored cigars. While traditionalists might prefer non-flavored cigars, many aficionados appreciate the craftsmanship and unique taste profiles of flavored cigars. Ultimately, the “realness” of a cigar comes down to personal preference. What matters most is the smoker’s enjoyment and satisfaction with the product.


  • Jasim Ahmed

    I am a passionate content creator, and editor at Rich Smoking, has fostered a deep love for smoking over the years. Since his introduction to the world of Cuban cigars by his beloved grandfather, Jasim has been intrigued by the art of finding relaxation and enjoyment within this rich culture. Always seeking new experiences, his favorite cigar is always the next premium blend he tries, and the same goes for pipes. With a desire to share his knowledge and experiences, Jasim is here to guide and inspire others in their quest to find their next favorite cigar or hookah. Join him as he imparts his expertise, and together, let’s embark on the journey of discovering our next cherished smoke.

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